About Christine



Pregnancy, infancy and childhood development have always been a passion and the direction of my life’s journey.  My path began right after high school when I enrolled in the Early Childhood Educator program through the University College of the Fraser Valley.  Immediately after graduation I worked as a preschool teacher for children aged 3-5.   Eventually, I was lead to infant care and I was hooked!    After having my own two children, I decided I not only wanted to advocate for positive birth experiences for women, I also wanted to help engage and empower their partners in their ever important role as birth and postpartum support.

I believe that every parent and infant deserves the most authentic, caring, knowledgeable and patient beginnings as they enter into their new roles in life.  Just as it is so important for a new mom to receive consistent, nurturing and respectful care during pregnancy, birth and postpartum, her partner also deserves kindness, knowledge and encouragement during his/her new role as birth and postpartum support.  I believe that with this positive companionship the new family can thrive in its early days, weeks and months as one healthy and happy unit.

I am always honoured to take part in a new families beginnings and I will treat you, your loved ones, your choices, your ideals and your beliefs with utmost respect and kindness.

DONA certified I offer Birth and Postpartum Doula services in the Sea to Sky Corridor from Pemberton to Vancouver.

Below are the training and experience I offer:

DONA Birth Doula Certificate

Lactation Management for Doulas Certificate

Dancing for Birth Certified Instructor

Early Childhood Educator Certificate

Rebozo Techniques

Acupressure Techniques